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To type blood according to abo, the lab detects the proteins of the cells to determine whether blood is a b or o. To further type blood into rh- and rh positive, the lab checks antibodies to specific proteins.

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Q: Desribe how to type blood to detect the abo and rh blood groups?
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What blood groups can type A give blood to?

A and AB

What are the four kinds of the blood?

The four blood groups are: Type A Type B Type AB Type O

Which groups can donate blood to O- group?

Blood type O- can only receive blood from others with blood type O-.

What is the use of blood groups?

It is important that you know which type of blood you have in a blood transplant because if the person who is donating blood to you does not have the same type of blood as you it could be fatal for you.

What type of feedback mechanism does your body have to detect this imbalance?

your blood pressure is the feedback mechanism

How common is the blood type D?

Blood type D is not one of the four main blood type groups. There is a D antigen that is part of the Rh antigen system, but there is not a blood type group called blood type D.

What are the two major blood groups used to identify blood type?

ABO and Rh

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If your abo blood type is ab what other abo blood groups could you give blood?

A person with blood type AB cannot give blood to anyone but can receive blood from anyone

What does having type A blood mean?

Type A has B-antigens on the outside of the blood cells. Type AB has both A or B Anti-gens on the blood cells. Type O has neither on the outside of the blood cells. Antigens detect what type of blood cells surround them. If type A came into contact with type B they would create a clump. For this reason type AB blood can recieve blood from ANY blood type but only give to type AB.

Who can i give blood to if I'm type ABO?

there are no blood type as ABO there are practically 4 types of blood groups i.e. A, B, AB and O O blood group can donate blood to all other groups A can give to A and AB B can give to B and AB AB blood group can only give blood to AB only but can receive blood from all other groups

Which blood group can accept all groups blood?

Rh O negative is the universal donor, and can be given to anyone regardless of their bloodtype.