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no i think it between 1980-1960

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Q: Did Abraham Lincoln write in his autobiography in year 1854?
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Why did Lincoln want to be elected as a senate for Illinois?

Abraham Lincoln opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.

How did Abraham Lincoln express his racial feelings in his Peoria speech of 1854?

In Abraham Lincoln's 1854 Peoria speech, he stated that racism was not anything to be be proud of. He was self critical and believed that any deeply held feeing could not be changed overnight. The problem, however, would in due time need to be reckoned with.

What position was the basis for Abraham Lincoln's bid for the Illinois US Senate seat in 1856?

Abraham Lincoln ran for the US senate seat of Illinois in 1856. He based his election run on his opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. of 1854. He lost to Lyman Trumbull.

When did Abraham Neuda die?

Abraham Neuda died in 1854.

Which factor helped Abraham Lincoln win the reelection in 1864?

Lincoln's reelection in 1864 was due to Sherman's capture of Atlanta and his March to the Sea. (Lincoln did not run for President until 1860. Buchanan won in 1854.)

When was Lincoln founded?

Lincoln University ws founded in 1854

When did Abraham John Valpy die?

Abraham John Valpy died in 1854.

When was Abraham Moses Luncz born?

Abraham Moses Luncz was born in 1854.

Was Abraham Lincoln the first Republican president?

The Republican Party was founded in 1854, with Abraham Lincoln as one of its early members. Prior to that, including during his time in the House of Representatives, Lincoln was in the Whig Party.

What party did Abraham lincon represent?

Lincoln was in the Republican Party (like the majority of the Northern States). However, the Republican Party during Lincoln's time was very different than the Republicans now.

When was Lincoln University founded?

Lincoln University ws founded in 1854