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It was never mentioned in the Iliad that Achillies had a child. All though he did sleep with the prince of Troys cousin, Barsais, so it could be possible she was with child when Achillies died

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Q: Did Achilles have a child
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Did Achilles have a daughter in law?

The answer is no, since Achilles was an only child.

Who were Achilles' children?

Achilles only had one child named Neoptolemus. Neoptolemus' mother was Deidamia who became pregnant by Achilles after discovering his true identity.

Who is older Odysseus or Achilles?

Odysseus, he was a middle aged man at the time of the Trojan war, whereas Achilles was just a child when it began, although he was around 20 by its end.

Who were her brothers and sisters?

He was an only child, and had no sibling, but did have a wife and son, Penelope and Telemachus.

How does Zeus intervene on Thetis behalf?

Because Achilles is the child of Thetis and Zeus, and he owed her one.

What is an Acheillies heel?

It is your weakest piont. According to the legend, Achilles' mother dipped him into a miraculous water when he was a child holding him by his heel. This way Achilles became nearly invulnerable. Knowing this, the Trojan prince Paris shot him in the heel with a poisoned arrow, and Achilles died.

What does Achilles stand for?

Achilles was a immortal legend (real man ) aside from his heal but his mother was thetis a sea nympth that had a child with pelaus she was forced by the gods and goddess despite her hate for mortals, Achilles study with chiron and had a companion named patroclus there was a lot of rumours that they were lovers they met when patroclus was exiled to phtia. Then went to troy and faced may disturbances on the way to troy. Achilles war prizes were stripped of him by aggamenon king of mycenae Achilles then refused to fight so in a desparate attempt to save Achilles honour patroclus dressed in his armour and lead the myridoms into battle by his was killed by prince hektor in a rage Achilles set out to kill hektor a god tried to stop Achilles but Achilles wounded the god then killed hektor he was later killed in battle when paris shot a arrow guided by apollo into Achilles heal the only part of him vulerable and Achilles died.

Did the Greek warrior Achillies from Thessaly have any important siblings?

Achilles was an only child. The child of Peleus and Thetis.

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What was Alexander The Great's favorite story as a child?

The Iliad. His mother Olympia claimed descent from Achilles, and so he drooled over it.

What is the curse of Achilles?

His vulnerable heel, which his mother did not dip in the River Styx when she sought to give him invulnerability when she dipped him in the river as a child.

What is different in the ways Achilles is portrayed?

It varies from a great warrior to a sulky brat when his girlfriend was taken over by the king, to a child rapist and killer of a Trojan child at a water fountain.