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The question assumes that Hitler was "Jewish" or at least of Jewish origin, but there is absolutely no evidence for this.

Hitler committed suicide because the Allied Forces were closing in on Berlin and Hitler did not want to be taken prisoner.

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Q: Did Adolf Hitler commit suicide because he found out that he was a Jew?
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What did Adolf Hitler do to commit suicide?

Shot himself

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Because she did not want to get captured as Germany and Adolf Hitler had come down instead of the shameful humiliation she decided to commit suicide along with Adolf Hitler.

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a gun and a capsule of cyanide.

How many times did Adolf Hitler try to commit suicide?

Exactly 42 times.

Where did adolf hiter and eva braun commit suicide?

In Hitler's underground bunker in Berlin.

Did Adolf Hitler really commit suicide?

Yes. He'd gambled like crazy and lost.

Did Adolf Hitler commit suicide or was he murdered?

Suicide in his Command Bunker in Berlin. He did this to avoid capture by the Soviet Army that was in the process of seizing Berlin.

Did adolf hitler commit suicide before or after world war 2?

the war was still going on when he shot himself

What case should be impose to Adolf Hitler supposing he didn't commit suicide?

If Adolf Hitler had not committed suicide, he likely would have been tried firstly of genocide. Undoubtedly he would have also been tried for various other war crimes also.

Who were some of the witnesses for the Adolf Hitler case?

What do you mean by the 'Adolf Hitler Case'? He was never captured and there was never a trial because he committed suicide.

What were Adolf Hitler's consequences?

he committed suicide

Did moussollini kill Adolf Hitler?

No, Hitler committed suicide.