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No, Hamilton supported a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

He believed in a very limited Government. You can get many of his views and writings from Gutenberg press. The vast majority of our founding fathers wanted a very weak central Government. They viewed the Federal Government as a needed evil.

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Q: Did Alexander Hamilton say you want a strong government?
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Did Alexander Hamilton like the British?

The British had a Strong National government. Alexander Hamilton want a strong National government. Hamilton and Jefferson were fighting all the time over that. That might be why. Federlists.

What type of government did hamilton want?

Alexander Hamilton was regarded as a founding father of the United States. Hamilton and his group supported a Strong Central Government

What country did Alexander Hamilton want to keep close ties with?

Hamilton wanted to keep close ties with England, Hamilton advocated the English Monarchy, Strong Government and a Centralized Bank.

What is Alexander Hamilton's view on strength of the national government?

Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong national government because he did not want mainly the power to be in the hands of the state or the people. He did not want to relive the past of when they were under control of the British.

Did hamilton want a strong federal government?


Why did the federalists want a strong central government?

Alexander Hamilton thought it would improve credit with Europe and he and he was the founder of the federalist party.

What did Alexander Hamilton want?

Are you talking about Alexander Hamilton, the man on the 10 dollar bill? He didn't want to govern anyone. ^^ That's not what this person was asking. He wanted the rich to be in charge of the government.

Who was the NY Delegate and strong Federalist?

That would have been Alexander Hamilton, who in his infamous June 18 speech at the Constitutional Convention outlined his own plan of government, which did include an "elective monarch". It was pushed aside as another harebrained idea, but he would come to regret the speech as his opponents vilified him as a monarchist. But yes, he did want a strong central government, as evidenced by the June 18 speech and his 3 economic Reports presented as Secretary of the Treasury.

How strong did Alexander want the national government?

he felt good about going against the British and fight in the war

Did Alexander Hamilton want National Debt?


How did Alexander Hamilton want the government to take over war debts of the states and pay for this debt?

taxing goods bought from foreign nations.

Who first established a national banking system as treasury secretary?

Hamilton. He actually did some very illegal things while in office. The men who fought the revolution were promised land as part of the compensation for fighting. After, the war they were given a grant on paper stating the land was given them. Hamilton went to these men and bought the grants from them for less than they were worth. He also reasoned that the more people owed the government the more they want to see it survive.