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Yes, the U.S. got a letter 2 days before but ignored it because they were talking peace with Japan. Also right before the attack a radar station at pearl harbor saw the planes coming in and blew it off because they figured it was a group of American planes bringing in Christmas presents and letters for the upcoming holiday.

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This is pure speculation.

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Yes, warnings were relayed to higher-ups in the military to be on standby. On December 7th early forms of radar picked up the Japanese strike force. This information was relayed to the military authority on Hawaii that brushed it off as a flight of B-17s from the mainland. FDR received a telegram warning of the attack a few hours after the attack.

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Q: Did America know about the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened?
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Did president know about Pearl Harbor attack?

If you mean before it happened, no it doesn't look like he did. After, yes of course.

When and where did Pearl Harbor happened?

Pearl harbor happened during World war two, just before America became a significant icon in the war. The pearl harbor attack happened on December seventh, 1941, at 7:00 in the morning (approximately)

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everyone thinks pearl harbor is a ship.

What was Pearl Harbor like before the attack?

It was beautiful

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Produced war material to export to nations fighting Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Was the public mislead about the realities of the Pearl Harbor attack?

No, everyone citizen of the United States new wat actually happened in Pearl Harbor. But the Japanease sent a message to president Rosevelt a few hours before the attack telling them they were goin to attack. The Japanease thought it was cowardly to do a suprise attack on a nation that wasnt even at war with them.

Was the soldiers alarmed before the attack on pearl harbor?

No the soldiers were not expecting the attack it was surprising.

Was the US aware of the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened?

President Roosevelt may have known and we had personnel who were trying to break encrypted information that would have helped determine where the attack was going to happen. Pearl Harbor was suspected to be a target due to location but not a definite target.

Did the President know the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor before it even happened?

No, but this claim has been in place by Roosevelt's detractors since the late 1940's.