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Yes, and it is unacceptable. :(

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Q: Did Barack Obama make a law that horse slaughter was okay in America?
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Who made it legal to slaughter horses?

well its illigal in uk (where i come from) but in america obama has allowed horse slaughter :(

Is horse slaughter in north America?

Horse slaughter plants no longer in use in the US but still in Canada and Mexico as far as i know

How many states have outlawed horse slaughter?

Horse slaughter is illegal everywhere in America, unless you immediately package and export the meat outside the country.

Did obama sign a contract to horse slaughter?

No, he did not. Although this assertion became popular on certain websites, it is not entirely accurate. A 2011 spending bill that needed to be passed in order to keep the government going had several non-related items attached to it (this often happens in congress). One unrelated attachment was to no longer fund inspections of slaughter-houses. After the spending bill passed, some people interpreted it in partisan ways, and one interpretation was that President Obama had allowed horses to be slaughtered for food; but there was no such language in the legislation. Other people interpreted the bill to say that we would soon have more slaughterhouses killing horses, but that has not happened either.

Is there horse hoofs in Hunts Jello snacks?

No. It is illegal in America to slaughter horses for food. That includes jello.

What year was horse slaughter banned from the US?

Horse slaughter is currently legal in the USA

Is there still horse slaughter in America?

Yes, unfortunately. Many slaughterhouses sell it to other countries- for a huge profit.

Are there any horse slaughter plants in California?

No. It is illegal to slaughter a horse in the united states. It is a horrible thing in my eyes.

Does Barack Obama's name mean something different from Burak?

I think so. Barack is an African name and means blessed. Burak is a Turkish name and comes from the name of Mohammed's winged horse , Buraq which means Lightning.

Does Pro Horse Slaughter mean you are for horse slaughter?

Yes, pro does mean that you are for. If you are against something it would be anti or con.

Are there any celebrities actively involved against Mexican Horse Slaughter?

I'm not sure. But just for the record, I love your question! If I were a celebrity, I would be, too. My favorite part of the question is how you said "Mexican" instead of just horse slaughter. I am against Mexican horse slaughter, but I support humane slaughter in the US. So I call myself a slaughter-supporter, because I support horse slaughter here in the US. Sorry if this didn't help. Thanks, Jaybrianna.

What is a horse slaughter plant?

A horse slaughter plant is a place where mean people kill healthy, old, or injured horses for food or money.THEY_ARE_SO_CRUEL!">THEY ARE SO CRUEL!Horse slaughter is not illegal, although it should be. A lot of people are against horse slaughter, including me.Sometimes good people save the horses by adopting them so they can have a great life. If they don't get adopted..... I think you would know what happens to them.@the guy above:I am against horse slaughter too.