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Q: Did Britain hate the british colonists?
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Why did colonists hate british taxes?

cause im gay

Why did American colonists want independence for the British?

The British were taxing the colonists for tea and other necessities unfairly. They also would not let the colonists be represented in Britain.

Why were American colonists upset with British rule?

Britain taxed them

What describes the attitude of the british toward American colonists?

Colonists were a people separate from Britain. For Apex.

What did British colonists want to do during the European wars of the 1700s?

The British Colonists in America were sympathetic to Britain in the 1700's, but they provided only limited moral support. Remember that the colonists had left Britain in seeking a better opportunity and relief from the interminable British-French wars, so they basically stayed away.

British colonists in India were given a mandate by Britain to?

Anglicize India.

Why were the colonists more loyal to Great Britain than they were to each other in the 1750s?

because the colonists were afraid of the british

Do English people hate british people?

England is a part of Britain...

Why did some colonists remain loyal to Britain?

Some colonists had extreme national pride and believed that they were still British by nationality even though they were not born in Great Britain. These British loyalists believed in the British rule and were deeply Loyal to the King of England.

Which act by the British government caused the American colonists to write the Declaration of Independence and separate from Great Britain?

requirement that the colonists pay taxes on British goods

How might the relations between Great Britain and its former colonies be affected by the war?

Great Britain and the colonists had a hostile relationship after the Revolutionary War. After the war, the colonies may or may not have trust issues with the British. However, the British and the colonists probably had discomfort with each other.

What happened to louisburg after the war?

Britain returned it to the French, angering British colonists