

Did Buddhism believe in gods'

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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I am no expert but I think Buddhists do not believe in any specific god but do believe in reincarnation and the way to enlightenment is to give up material possesions

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Q: Did Buddhism believe in gods'
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There are no Gods in Buddhism. We do not believe in any immortal, all-knowing gods.

What are Buddhism's deities?

In Traditional Buddhism, Buddhists only believe in Buddha ; they do not have any gods.

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Because in Hinduism they believe in many gods and Buddhism doesn't believe in any gods.

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Buddhism was and still is based on insight into human nature. Since humans have a tendency to believe in gods, gods get mentioned in early Buddhism and later get incorporated from local religions in the areas Buddhism spread to. At its base, Buddhism is about working with what we can know and see directly, and on seeing through delusion, not on developing beliefs in things unseen, or feeding delusion.

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Yes he is. He is the founder of Buddhism. His real name is Siddhartha Gautama.

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Buddhist believe there are no gods. Evolution would be the logical belief they would follow.

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it didn't they are two different religions. buddhists do not believe in god, hinduists believe in many gods

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In Buddhism gods and heavens are mentioned. But it is not about worshiping gods

What are the gods associated with Buddhism?

Buddhism doesn't really have any gods in the devotional sense.

Who are the main gods for Buddhism?

We Buddhists believe in no immortal, all-powerful deities, not even the Buddha, who was just a man.

Do Buddhist people believe in one God or many Gods?

Buddhism does not focus on belief in a singular God or multiple Gods. Instead, it emphasizes principles such as the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to achieve enlightenment and liberation from suffering. Buddhism's teachings revolve around the concept of karma, rebirth, and the path to end the cycle of suffering (samsara).

What is Buddhism's church?

There are no churches in Buddhism. We do not believe in any immortal all-powerful gods. We worship no gods or people. Therefore we have no places for those activities. We do have monasteries were monks, nuns and lay people gather together and learn the teachings of the Buddha.