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Yes, George Washington did approve the National Bank. The nation faced economic disaster from crushing Revolutionary War debt. Allegedly to help stabilize the economy, Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, proposed a national bank -- but Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson objected because he felt it would give the bank too much power, and that the federal government would be exceeding its mandate since none of the alleged benefits were necessary. After considering both arguments, Washington decided to establish the national bank.

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Q: Did George Washington create the national bank?
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What was the outcome of Madison and Jefferson disagreeing with Hamilton's plan of a national bank?

Congress decided to create the bank anyways and therefore formed the Bank of the United States.

Who create a US bank?

Well, Hamilton and Washington created the first National Bank of the US.

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The national bank that was created by Congress in 1816 was called the Second Bank of the United States. They also created the Federal Reserve System to monitor banking practices.

What was the name of the bank George Washington opened?

Bank of America

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Among the first institutions created by the administration of President George Washington was the Bank of the United States. Washington's Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, insisted that a national bank was necessary to.

Why did Hamilton create a national bank?

As a way to help pay of America's debt ~Improved Answer;; Well Hamilton needed to come up with a way to pay of for the dept America was facing at the time... Also it was somthing George Washington asked him to do; Hopee I could help Kandee Conelly.

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Who want to create national bank?

wanted*** and Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a national bank because he thought it would solve debt earier.

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George Washington the first President of the United States, attempted to bring rival factions together to unify the nation. He supported Alexander Hamilton's programs to pay off all state and national debt, to implement an effective tax system and to create a national bank (despite opposition from Thomas Jefferson).

Washington ______, and Congress _____ the National bank?

Agreed, created

What was the new financial plan that Alexander Hamilton developed to solve the problems in the national government?

For congress to pay back the $25 million in loans and to create a bank of the United States. He said the bank was needed to collect taxes and circulate money.A. Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury near the beginning of George Washington's presidency. As a close adviser to Washington, he proposed a plan.A - He believed that in the long term aspect of things, paying off all war debts would to better for their economyB - To create more "motivation" he believed it would be best to raise all government revenueC - Finally he proposed to create a national bankNow the national bank was looked down upon, and took quite a lot of support, especially from the south, and when created, it was not treated as such it should be. Eventually, problems were solved and all three compromises were met to create an overall better economyPay back war debtsRaise government revenueCreate a national bank

Hamilton asked Congress to create a national bank named ....?

The Bank of the United States