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wanted*** and Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a national bank because he thought it would solve debt earier.

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Q: Who want to create national bank?
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Do you have to bank with First National Bank?

Only if you want First National Bank to be your bank.

Why did Hamilton want to create a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.

Why did Hamilton want to create national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.

Who wanted to create a national bank?


Hamilton asked Congress to create a national bank named ....?

The Bank of the United States

Who create a US bank?

Well, Hamilton and Washington created the first National Bank of the US.

What was used to create the national bank?

A banker, money, and a large safe.

Why did jefferson and madision oppose the national bank?

They believed it was unconstitutional because it was not stated in the constitution that one of the powers of the federal government was to create a national bank. Hamilton however said that it was needed to enforce taxes and that because of the "necessary and proper" clause, they should create a national bank, so they did.

What did Hamilton want to do to create a stable economic system and strengthen the economy?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to build a bank. He also proposed tariff and national taxes

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In 1790 Alexander Hamilton proposed the creation of a national bank. Which of the following is one of the reasons that people like Thomas Jefferson opposed the creation of a national bank The bank was?

The Constitution did not specifically grant the government the power to create the bank.

What were three proposal's Hamilton made to build a strong economy?

Create a national bank, a tariff and the creation of national taxes