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That is a very good qustion. Yes they did. Like most countries in Europe Germany was a well learning countrie.(If i am wrong please comment)

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Q: Did Germans have education in Germany during 1860?
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Why did Germans leave Germany in 1860?

They were offered land in Prussia. There are severals web-sites that detail the 1750 land offer and subsequent migration of Germans into Prussia, Poland, Russia, and Hungary. One of the first colonies was named Tscherswenka. Use it as a search term and you will find details of the 1750 landkreis. happy reading!

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Germany Germany was unified in 1871. Italy was unified between 1860 and 1871.

When did Germans come over to America?

in the 19th century, by steamship. Before that, by wooden sailing ship. There's no way to get to the US from Germany without crossing water, and before the invention of the airplane, boats would have been the only option.

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What does chief earl warren say about public education in the 1860?

Public education was offered on a very limited basis and often not required

Which of European countries was unified in the last half of the 1800s?

Germany Germany was unified in 1871. Italy was unified between 1860 and 1871.

Where did different groups of immigrants settle in the US in 1820-1860?

During the period between 1820 and 1860, the Irish represented the largest group of immigrants coming to the United States. Since they frequently came with little or no money, they usually stayed in the cities where they hoped to get jobs in factories. The other substantial group of immigrants during the period were the Germans, who usually came with some money and were able to pursue an agrarian lifestyle in the northwest.