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Japan was notoriously negligent in this kind of work. They hardly put in the effort and did not break any important codes. Germany did a much better job in breaking Allied codes, but there were quite a number of them amongst the Allies and they never broke anything as important as their own Ultra code. But they did for instance for a time break the British naval code and the US code for diplomatic messages.

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Q: Did Germany and japan break the Allied codes in WW 2?
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Did Germany and Japan break the Allies' most secret codes in WW 2?

Japan was notoriously negligent in this kind of work. They hardly put in the effort and did not break any important codes. Germany did a much better job in breaking Allied codes, but there were quite a number of them amongst the Allies and they never broke anything as important as their own Ultra code. But they did for instance for a time break the British naval code and the US code for diplomatic messages.

WHO WAS Allied with Japan?

Germany and Italy

What does allied with axis mean?

Allied and Axis vicories reffer back to WW2. Allied sides were: everyone against Germany and Japan. Axis victory were: Japan and Germany

What countries were allied with japan in world war 2?

Germany & Italy were allied to Japan in WWII.

Did Japan fight Germany in World War 2?

Germany and Japan were on the same side in World War II.In World War I Japan was on the Allied side and fought against Germany.

Who was on allied powers?

Germany, Japan and Italy

What Countries is Japan currently allied with?

Germany and ploand

What countries were allied with Japan in WW2?

Italy and Germany

What country was japan allied with?

Well, in World War II, Japan was allied with the Germans, as Germany wanted to take over the world in that time to have full absolute power over everybody, but they needed help to do so. Germany then allied with Japan...

What did France do when japan attacked pearl harbor?

Nothing. France was under Germany's authorities. And Germany was allied to Japan.

How did Germany and Japan Become allies?

The Anti-Comitern Pact allied Germany with Japan , just before WW2.

Who did the allies occupy?

The Allied forces occupied Germany and Japan