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No, she did not. This is another of those internet myths, spread by her husband Bill Clinton's political opponents; the myths were first spread in print magazines by conservatives who disliked the Clintons. But there is no credible evidence to support these accusations, nor any proof such events ever took place. Sadly, the myths continue to be spread. But that does not make them accurate.

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It is unconstitutional and against the law because it profiles people.

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Who ran against Clinton?

In 2008, Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama in the primary. In 2016, Hillary Clinton came out the victor against Bernie Sanders. Martin O'Malley was also a notable candidate, but he withdrew quickly.

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Obama's main opponent was Hillary Clinton, the senator from New York.

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He first debated against Hillary Clinton when he was trying to gain the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Once he got the nomination, he debated his Republican opponent, John McCain.

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We will not know if Hilary Clinton broke the law unless she is charged with a crime. The Justice Department has NOT made any charges against her. She and the Justice Department have stated that email content recently redacted was NOT classified at the time.

Will Hillary Clinton pick Barack Obama as her running mate?

In 2008, that was a possibility, but it was very unlikely as the attacks had become very embittered, with elements in Hillary Clinton campaign even resorting to thinly veiled racism against Obama. In 2016, Obama would not have been eligible for Vice President after having been President for 8 years.

What year did Hillary run for president?

Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992 and won presidency against George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot. He was president from the years of 1993-2001. When Bill Clinton was elected he become the third youngest president in history.