

Did Hitler kill Jews because they were short?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Did Hitler kill Jews because they were short?
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Did hitler hate Jews because Jews killed his mother?

No, and Jews did not kill his mother.

How was Hitler able to kill Jews?

because no one stopped him.

Was Hitler the reason why Jews move?

Yes because he would kill them!

Why did hitler find it necessary to kill Jews?

Because he could not feed them.

What made Hitler kill Jews and since when?

because he say your face

What was hitler's reason to kill jews?

Hitler killed the Jews because he said that they were the reason that the economy was doing so bad. Hitler also blamed losing World War 1 on the Jews.

What kind of children did Hitler kill?

Hitler killed Jewish children and people because he hated the Jews

If Hitler was Jewish then why did he kill Jews?

Hitler wasn't Jewish. If Hitler was Jewish, it wouldn't make any sense for him to kill all the Jews.

Did Hitler kill six million Jews just because they were powerless?

Hitler was a German Dictator. Also leader of the Nazi Party. The Nazis' had hatred for Jews. Hitler didn't just kill them because they were powerless. He despised them so much. Most Jews might have been powerless but they fought back.

If Hitler was Jewishwhy did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

Why are the Franks in hiding in the Diary of Anne Frank?

they were in hiding because they were Jews and Hitler was going to kill all the Jews.

Why did Hitler try to kill Jews?

Because he was insane and he saw the Jews as the cause of the bad economic situation in Germany.