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Hitler wasn't Jewish.

If Hitler was Jewish, it wouldn't make any sense for him to kill all the Jews.

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Q: If Hitler was Jewish then why did he kill Jews?
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If Hitler was Jewish than why did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

If Hitler was Jewishwhy did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

What kind of children did Hitler kill?

Hitler killed Jewish children and people because he hated the Jews

Why did the killing of the holocaust all start?

because hitler want to kill jews. this was so because, hitler had a ideal of a non jewish europe

What led up to Hitler hating the Jews in his childhood?

he hated his dad and his dad was Jewish so he now wants to kill all the Jewish

What was the reasoning behind killing the Jewish people in WW2?

Adolph Hitler of Germany wanted to exterminate the Jewish nation and establish a "super race" of Aryan people. Many Jews escaped to friendly countries, but Hitler did manage to kill thousands of Jews.

What was hitler nazi or jewish?

Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

Did hitler just kill jewish people?

No. Either way you read the question, the answer is no. Hitler did more than simply kill Jews, he also deprived them of their rights, quarantined them, starved them, tortured them, and authorized immoral medical procedures be done to them. On the other side, Hitler did not only kill 6 million Jews, he also killed 5 million Non-Jews.

Who did Hitler blame?

On the Jews.

Was Hitler the first one to openly persecute the Jewish people?

No, there is a long history of persecution of the Jews, for example by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and later. However, Hitler was the first to try to kill all Jews.

What method and how did Hitler apply to kill Jews?

Hitler would put the jewish inside a concentration camp were there head would be shaved bald to show shame and then gassed in chambers

Would the jewish people kill hitlers daughter?

They would because of the things adolf hitler was doing.Adolf hitler was trying to get rid of the jews, so that would want the Jews to get rid of the people he loved the most