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Q: Did Hitler kill anyone with his own hands?
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Did Hitler kill any Jews with his own hands?

No, the boss left the dirty work to others.

Do you consider Hitler a murderer even tho he did no kill anyone with his own hands?

Yes, of course. People who organize crimes are as guilty as those who commit them. This concept is basic.yes, he was a mass murderer

Is there any record that Hitler ever killed anyone with his own hands?

No. He was the leader of the Nazi gang and got his side-kicks to do the dirty work.

Can you kill a buffelo with your own hands?

Yes, if you have old lady hands

Has Hitler killed anyone except for his dog?

Not by his own hand.

Did Hitler kill his own mom?

no she died of Brest Cancer at age 47

Why did the death camp kill people?

The holocaust killed people because Hitler was stupid, and wanted to kill his own people! Hitler was a Jew, so he just wanted to get rid of them.

Why did hitler kill not only jews but his own people?

Hitler did not only kill Jews but his own people so as to show powerful he is. He used different forms of propaganda so as to cause deaths of innocent people with the majority being Jews.

Why Adolph Hitler quit?

Adolf Hitler quit because his bunker in Berlin was surrounded by ally troops. If he did not kill himself he would have been killed. So he chose to die at his own hand rather than give himself up and be killed at the hands of the Russians who wanted so bad to kill him. It was like letting them win the game but not giving them the trophy.

Did anyone try to kill Hitler?

Hitler committed suicide in his bunker shortly before the end of the war. He probably realized that he would have been hunted down and killed or executed, and preferred to take care of it himself.

Is it wrong to kill your own best friend?

It is very wrong to kill your own best friend. This is from any perspective that you may to look at it. As a matter of fact it is wrong to kill anyone even if they are not your friend.

What are Adaptations for getting food in animals?

HANDS! We use hands to cook, eat, and kill(which is si bad to do) the animals...... with our very own hands.. u know that huh?! YEAH!!