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yepp he did ,

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Q: Did Hitler rise to power by making promises to the people?
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How did the economic depression contribute with Hitler's rise to power?

Hitler made promises of things the Germans wanted and needed to hear.

What issue did Hitler use to rise to power?

Hitler offered to bring Germany out of the great depression by proposing that it was the Jewish people who were making them bankrupt by charging to much for their products.

How did the Nazis get so strong?

The Nazi Party formed from the National Socialist German Workers' Party after Hitler too power. Much of Hitler's rise was attributed to the fact that Germany was in such a depression after the Treaty of Versailles demolished their economy. The people clung to Hitler's promises because they were, at that time, their only hope after getting out of the depression. So with Germany's support Hitler rose to great power and with him so did the Nazi Party.

Why did Hitler decide to have a mushtasche?

The possibility of Hitler rising to power, making him famous. Hitler probably wanted to have something unique to remember him.

What were Adolf Hitler's promises to the German people before he was brought into power?

He promised jobs and a strong Germany. He promised that the disgrace of versaille will lose its validity. He also promised that the German territories will be taken back.

How did Nazism rose to power?

I got this in the bag... Hitler rose to power because of the promises (Ahem, lies) he made to the people of wealth and money and much, much more. With the hopes of this, people joined his side and fought battles. Then, Adolf Hitler spread it a bit farther, convincing now the people of Germany to send their children and teens to camps, which increased power. Also he turned the people to kidnapping of jews, and much more. Soon, Hitler had enough men to fight in a war, and had more people joining by the second. He convinced many countrys, which became why it was called a World War.

What did you learn about Hitler?

Welll people learn about hitler they learnabout who he was what did he do how did he got to power How he maintain power Hitler and the holocaust mainly anything about germany from 1933-1945

Who did Adolf Hitler raise to power?

Adolf Hitler was raised to power in Germany in the 1930s for several reasons. Perhaps the most important reason is that his promises matched the desires and hopes of many Germans, so many of whom had been suffering economic hardships and social strife for over a decade. Other factors were the cunning of Nazi propaganda and the violence of Hitler's followers, who often intimidated the opposition into silence by threats and by physical force.

Why did Hitler Want so much power?

Some people crave power and control. Hitler had a MASSIVE crave for pwer and control and that is why not many people liked him.

How did adholf Hitler gain power?

Through mass persuasion. He made lots of promises and Germany was suffering and desperate for a leader at the time because their Weimar system was weak.

Why and how was Hitler able to persuade so many people to support his plans?

most people who sided with Hitler wanted power or were afraid of him

How did Hitler maintain power by killing the Jews?

Hitler maintained power as Germany was in a time where many people were unemployed and hitler gave jobs to Germans to fight in the war and kill jews