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Q: Did Ina garden refuse a child's request from the make a wish foundation?
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Can you refuse a verification of employment request from a creditor law firm?

Employers can refuse requests, not subpoenas.

Can you refuse a cops request to search your vehicle?

no, they have a right from the law

What is the meaning of refuse?

Refuse refers to items or materials that are discarded or thrown away because they are no longer wanted or needed. It can include things like garbage, waste, or rejected items. Refusing can also mean rejecting or declining something.

How do you accept a friend request on a virtual horse?

when you get the e-mail friend request, there's a button at the bottom of it and you have the choice o refuse the request or accept it

Why did the Mississippians refuse to provide by President Johnson request?

Because that's how they roll

Can you file for a paternity test if the father wants to be involved in the childs life if it turns out to be that the child is his. But the mother says she does not want the father around?

After the baby is born the father can go to court and request a paternity test. If the test confirms the father's paternity he can request custody and a visitation order and the court will establish a child support order. The mother cannot refuse to obey the court orders that establish the father's rights. If she does, she could eventually lose custody.

What is the meaning of reject?

To cast from one; to throw away; to discard., To refuse to receive or to acknowledge; to decline haughtily or harshly; to repudiate., To refuse to grant; as, to reject a prayer or request.

Why did the us refuse to respond to ho chi minh's request?

Vietnam's independence movement was led by communists.

Can i refuse to go through an airport scanner?

yes you can request a pat down or just go home.......

When does a towing service have the authority to impound a vehicle?

When the police request their services or if you refuse to pay the towing fee.

Would refuse be a verb?

Yes, "refuse" can be used as a verb. It means to decline or reject something, such as a request, offer, or suggestion. For example, you can say "I refuse to go to the party" or "He refused to accept the job offer."

Where to take tree branches that i have cut down in my yard?

You should take your tree branches as well as any other garden refuse to your local garden refuse collection site. Of course it depends on the facilities and rules in your particular jurisdiction. You need to call your town offices and ask your question there.