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Q: Did Indians attack by circling on horseback - I have watched Western movie after movie where Indians attack wagon trains in this way and seemingly negate any advantage of numbers and are easy targets?
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What statements about the pre-columbian Sioux Indians is not valid?

The sioux hunted buffalo on horseback.

What the Apache Indians use for transportation?

They were Nomads which are people who travel camp to camp on foot and on horseback.

What young missionary traveled on horseback despite pain from his illness to share the Gospel with the Indians?

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The Kickapoo Indians used to be walkers but until the Europe brought horses, and so the Kickapoo's became very good horseback riders.

What were the kickapoos transportation?

The Kickapoo's Indians went by foot until Europe brought horses, so the Kickapoo became very good horseback riders.

How did the Apalachee Indians travel?

The Apache Native American group generally traveled on foot or on horseback. They were a southwest Native American tribe, mainly living in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado.

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The advantage they had was the Indians gave them war tips such as , hiding behind trees.

Which of following gave the Spanish their greatest advantage over the Indians?

Guns and horses.

How do English skill give Indians an advantage in the it industry?

becasue4 they all died in there sleeeoppp/

Why is living by water source important to the Indians?

Transportation of water was difficult. Hauling water on foot or by horseback is very tedious over long distances. Living near water gave Indians access to it for drinking, cooking, bathing and some irrigation.

What was one advantage of the pilgrams building their settlement on bay?

the location provided a defense from Indians attack

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They had the help of the Indians. Their men already knew the land