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Jesus, his earthly father Joseph, and mother Mary fled to Egypt when Jehovah sent an angel to appear to Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph to take his family to Egypt because Herod was seeking to kill Jesus. They stayed there until the death of Herod, fulling prophecy at Hosea 11:1. -Matthew 2:13-15

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14y ago
AnswerMatthew's Gospel says that Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt after his birth, and remained there until the death of King Herod. Luke's Gospel disagrees with this, saying that the young family went from Bethlehem to Jerusalem and then returned peacefully to Nazareth.

There is no other biblical or contemporary record of Jesus going to Egypt.
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8y ago

The journey of the baby Jesus to Egypt occurs in Matthew's Gospel rather than in Luke's Gospel, which leaves no room for the visit of the magi or the flight to Egypt.

In Matthew's Gospel, magi or 'wise men' came from far to the east to worship the baby who would become king of the Jews. They sought advice from King Herod, who feared for his own rule and so ordered all the baby boys under two years old to be slaughtered. Joseph, being warned in a dream, fled for safety to Egypt, where they remained until the death of Herod. They then began the return journey to their home in Bethlehem, but Joseph was once again warned in a dream and so turned aside and travelled to Nazareth in Galilee, instead.

Scholars regard much of Matthew's nativity account as Christian midrash. They say that the author described the journey to Egypt so that he could draw parallels between Jesus and Moses. In his genealogy, Jacob is the father of Joseph (Heli is the father of Joseph in Luke), just as Jacob is the father of Joseph in the Old Testament. Joseph took his family to Egypt, as in the Old Testament, and Jesus returned to Palestine to save his people, just as Moses returned to Palestine to save his people. The evil king ordered the slaughter of all the infants under two years old, just as the Egyptian pharaoh ordered the slaughter of all the infants under two years old.

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Another answer from our community:

King Herod was trying to kill Him.

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9y ago

Jesus was in Egypt when he was a young child, but as far as we know he had remained in Israel for the remainder of his time on earth.

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Shortly after Jesus was born, his family fled to Egypt to escape King Herod who wanted to kill Jesus because he felt he was a threat to his power after Jesus was called "The King of Kings".

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That is not known. It is believed that they did not travel to Egypt, but rather to Egyptian territory, to get away from King Herod.

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