

Best Answer

YES. John McCain voted for war in Iraq in 2002! See the U.S. Senate Roll Call below: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate Vote Summary Question: On the Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. 114 ) Vote Number: 237 Vote Date: October 11, 2002, 12:50 AM Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Joint Resolution Passed Measure Number: H.J.Res. 114 Measure Title: A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. Vote Counts: YEAs 77 NAYs 23 Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State Alphabetical by Senator Name Akaka (D-HI), Nay

Allard (R-CO), Yea

Allen (R-VA), Yea

Baucus (D-MT), Yea

Bayh (D-IN), Yea

Bennett (R-UT), Yea

Biden (D-DE), Yea

Bingaman (D-NM), Nay

Bond (R-MO), Yea

Boxer (D-CA), Nay

Breaux (D-LA), Yea

Brownback (R-KS), Yea

Bunning (R-KY), Yea

Burns (R-MT), Yea

Byrd (D-WV), Nay

Campbell (R-CO), Yea

Cantwell (D-WA), Yea

Carnahan (D-MO), Yea

Carper (D-DE), Yea

Chafee (R-RI), Nay

Cleland (D-GA), Yea

Clinton (D-NY), Yea

Cochran (R-MS), Yea

Collins (R-ME), Yea

Conrad (D-ND), Nay

Corzine (D-NJ), Nay

Craig (R-ID), Yea

Crapo (R-ID), Yea

Daschle (D-SD), Yea

Dayton (D-MN), Nay

DeWine (R-OH), Yea

Dodd (D-CT), Yea

Domenici (R-NM), Yea

Dorgan (D-ND), Yea

Durbin (D-IL), Nay

Edwards (D-NC), Yea

Ensign (R-NV), Yea

Enzi (R-WY), Yea

Feingold (D-WI), Nay

Feinstein (D-CA), Yea

Fitzgerald (R-IL), Yea

Frist (R-TN), Yea

Graham (D-FL), Nay

Gramm (R-TX), Yea

Grassley (R-IA), Yea

Gregg (R-NH), Yea

Hagel (R-NE), Yea

Harkin (D-IA), Yea

Hatch (R-UT), Yea

Helms (R-NC), Yea

Hollings (D-SC), Yea

Hutchinson (R-AR), Yea

Hutchison (R-TX), Yea

Inhofe (R-OK), Yea

Inouye (D-HI), Nay

Jeffords (I-VT), Nay

Johnson (D-SD), Yea

Kennedy (D-MA), Nay

Kerry (D-MA), Yea

Kohl (D-WI), Yea

Kyl (R-AZ), Yea

Landrieu (D-LA), Yea

Leahy (D-VT), Nay

Levin (D-MI), Nay

Lieberman (D-CT), Yea

Lincoln (D-AR), Yea

Lott (R-MS), Yea

Lugar (R-IN), Yea

McCain (R-AZ), Yea

McConnell (R-KY), Yea

Mikulski (D-MD), Nay

Miller (D-GA), Yea

Murkowski (R-AK), Yea

Murray (D-WA), Nay

Nelson (D-FL), Yea

Nelson (D-NE), Yea

Nickles (R-OK), Yea

Reed (D-RI), Nay

Reid (D-NV), Yea

Roberts (R-KS), Yea

Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea

Santorum (R-PA), Yea

Sarbanes (D-MD), Nay

Schumer (D-NY), Yea

Sessions (R-AL), Yea

Shelby (R-AL), Yea

Smith (R-NH), Yea

Smith (R-OR), Yea

Snowe (R-ME), Yea

Specter (R-PA), Yea

Stabenow (D-MI), Nay

Stevens (R-AK), Yea

Thomas (R-WY), Yea

Thompson (R-TN), Yea

Thurmond (R-SC), Yea

Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

Voinovich (R-OH), Yea

Warner (R-VA), Yea

Wellstone (D-MN), Nay

Wyden (D-OR), Nay

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6mo ago

No, John McCain did not vote for the war in Iraq as it began in 2003. However, he was a strong supporter of the invasion and had advocated for military action in Iraq in the years leading up to the war.

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