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kony has been dead for 6 years all the stuff that's being said about him is true but its just another way the government gets money

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12y ago
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12y ago

He's alive, living in the Jungle in Uganda, Africa it's very sad :(

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12y ago

No, Joseph Kony died 5 years ago. All this Propaganda that you are seeing via YouTube is a fake do not take it in to account, if you don't believe me then that's your problem not mine

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12y ago

No, not yet. He is hiding in the Ugandan jungle

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12y ago

Nobody knows. Many people believe he faked his own death so that Invisible Children could be formed. He hasn't actually been in Uganda since 2006.

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11y ago

nobody knows, people are still searching for him.

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11y ago

No he has not he is still doing what he always been doing capturing children and making some sex slaves

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12y ago

yes, unfortunately.

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12y ago

Yes, i believe he is

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open if you want to find out about him.. real name : Joseph Kony

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