

Did Malcolm X make self defence?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: Did Malcolm X make self defence?
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What violent tactics did Malcolm X use?

None. Malcolm X threatened the use of violence (in self defense) to deter would-be aggression towards him.

Why Malcolm X was different to MLK?

Marin Luther King believed in nonviolence. Example in his opinion if someone threw a rock at you you took it. At first Malcolm believed in black and white separation and self defence. Until he went to Mecca then he changed his opinions and went with something like Martin Luther King did.

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Did Malcolm X help segregation?

Malcolm X advocated for self separation of the races but he did not agree when a government mandated segregation. The Nation of Islam argued for self separation in both economic and social spheres as a way of proving equality, if not supremacy, in society.

Where did Malcolm X work?

Malcolm X worked mainly in New York with the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. He became a world traveler with a strong message on self-sufficiency and Black love.

Was Malcolm X a Protestant?

In one word: yes. Malcolm X never used any violence in his protests. He threatened the use of violence (in self defense) to deter any would-be violence used on him.

What name was Malcolm X when he was assassinated?

Malcolm X

Is Malcolm X single?

No, Malcolm X is not single.

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what were Malcolm X's goals

How much money did Malcolm X make year?

He got all the fried chicken and watermelon he could eat.

Malcolm x date of death?

Malcolm X died February 21, 1965.R.I.P... MALCOLM X.