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Q: Did Martin Luther go back to the Catholic Church?
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What catholic church did martin Luther go to back in the middle ages?

Martin Luther went to the cathedral and the renasiance festival back n the middle ages in Italy,Florence.

What task did martin Luther and john Wycliffe undertake?

John Wycliffe was dissident Catholic back in the 14th century, he translated that Bible into English and, in general, wrote against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a dissident in the 16th century who left the Catholic Church as a heretic and apostate and translated The Bible into German.

Did Martin Luther return to Catholicism?

No! he never come back to the Catholic church instead he opposed the teaching of his old religion.

What are some of the things the Catholic Church was doing that turned the people off to the church?

Back during the time of Martin Luther and the reformation, Luther pointed out the fact that the church was making money off of guarantees of forgiveness, and were asking money to 'forgive the dead' and allow them to go to heaven.

What did John Wycliffe and Martin Luther undertake?

John Wycliffe was dissident Catholic back in the 14th century, he translated that Bible into English and, in general, wrote against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a dissident in the 16th century who left the Catholic Church as a heretic and apostate and translated the Bible into German.

Is Catholic in Cristian?

Catholics were the only Christians, it wasn't til the 1600's that Martin Luther split from the Church to form his own religion. The Catholic Church remains relatively unchanged as far as Sacred Tradition dating back to the Apostles, the Church has the recorded history of Christianity back to the beginning, even the chair of Peter the Apostle, the first Pope.

What was Martin Luther King's religious affiliation?

Was it Catholic?martin-luther-king-jrsorry catholics not looking it up right now get back to u all in a min!

How did the church respond after Martin Luther's Protest?

He was tried and convicted of heresy. After which, the Pope issued a bull condemning the various theses that Martin Luther was requested to retract (first Bull attached below), after he spurned Rome, then Decet Romanum Pontificem was issued which excommunicated Martin Luther and his followers. Nearly every account of the trial available on the web is nearly a complete fabrication by protestants. Martin Luther is repeatedly affirmed as condemning the forgiveness of sins through indulgences. Whereas, in actual fact, no one in their right mind has ever maintained that indulgences forgive sin. Martin Luther certainly should have known better, as supposedly he was an ordained priest and a doctor of theology. He was excommunicated, he refused to retract.

The problem between the Catholic church and the Protestant Movement?

You know Catholics and Protestants are very controversial when it comes to their different believes, for you to truly understand what the problem would be, then you would most likely go back into history and read about Martin Luther King the founder of all Protestants and be sure not to confuse Martin Luther King Jr. (African American who wrote the poem ''I have a Dream'') to Martin Luther King the founder since they are both, after all, completely different people. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after Martin Luther King since his mother truly admired him or so the rumors say. Despite these, Martin Luther King was a strong faithful Christian and Catholic who strongly believed in the Church. Back in the day, only the wealthiest of all people were allowed to read the Bible and it was a privilege since the Bible was yet not translated into different languages. Since Martin Luther King was one of the most supportive people of the Church, one of the priests granted him permission to translate the Bible. It was then when Martin Luther King realized that the Bible itself was very different from what Catholics would preach. There were no saints mentioned in the Bible and it was then when he realized that the Bible contained a different interpretation from the one he was given and taught. Angry, it was then that he decided to face the priests about the lies that they were teaching and the misunderstanding that they were told. The priests soon turned on Martin and told him to forget what he learned from the Bible and change what they believed in. He didn't agree with such things and realized that the Catholic Church had one purpose only. To rule and power. He then left the Catholic Church and started the Protestant Movement where they could finally preach the true definition of the Bible and its beliefs. There are many different stories about Martin Luther King and what really did happen. This is one of the many popular stories that are told about the problems between Protestants and Catholics.

How did Martin Luther feel about the Catholic church?

He wanted to reform corrupt practices and question traditions that seemed without basis..Catholic AnswerM. Luther's thoughts about the Catholic Church are contained in the 95 Theses, an English translation of which I have attached below. As M. Luther was (supposedly) a priest, an Augustinian Friar, and a Theology professor, one could hope that what he thought about the beliefs of the Catholic Church were pretty much what is taught in the Catholic Church throughout history. However, as his "95 Theses" show, he was incredibly ignorant about basic teachings of the faith. Some of what he calls for is totally ludicrous as it is what the Church has always taught - they could come right out of a Theology book. Others are just off the wall. Admittedly, he was calling for refutation of what (he said) others were preaching, but even then, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. He should have known better. What he believed about the Church and what he came to believe about the Church many years later are two completely different things. In the beginning he was calling for a reform of indulgences, which was actually quite sensible giving the goings on back then of some people; however, later in life he completely denies indulgences, or even the power of the keys - something which he held firmly in his earlier years.

Was Martin Luther Roman catholic?

Yes he was Catholic as most people were back then, however, obviously he became Lutheran after the Protestant Reformation. This is similar to the fact that Jesus was Jewish in his lifetime, not Christian.

What practises of the Catholic Church was challenged by Luther?

.Catholic AnswerThat is a little difficult to say as Martin Luther, despite his education, and his ordination was remarkably ignorant about actual Church practices. If you read his "95 Theses", some of them are remarkably Catholic (in other words, they were, and are, actual beliefs of the Catholic Church); others are totally off the wall and make no sense. For instance, one that you always hear is that he was against the selling of indulgences, and there were problems with indulgences back then that blurred the line between receiving an indulgence in return for alms, and actual selling indulgences, but indulgences have nothing to do with forgiveness of sin, never had, and never would. And yet that is the most famous and remembered of all the practices challenged by Luther.