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Yes. Nostradamus was a Christian. His relationship with the Church, as a prophet and healer, was excellent, although he was briefly imprisoned because he had published his 1562 almanac without the prior permission of a bishop, contrary to a royal decree.


Nostradamus was born into a Jewish home, but his parents and himself converted to Catholicism. It does appear that for some of his life, he was fairly religious and active in his faith; but, after the death of his first wife and their 2 children- which, though he had helped to save other plague victims thru making a type of Vit D supplement (& the like), he was unable to save his wife and their children.-

After this loss, it appears that his healthy curiosity of Astronomy & the Earth, he begun to dig deeper, and into the occult. He began doing private meditation or sayances (sp?) sessions. This is when he began going in the direction of the occult & away from G-d. Doing these sessions, opens one up to evil/ possession/ and to evil prophecies (prophesies not from G-d). The Bible does state that the Devil has been given enough leash to give prophecies- and even though some may be accurate (to entice others into believing), they can't be trusted. And the importance of truly knowing the word of G-d and His warnings to ensure one isn't tricked.

Nostradamus may have believed that his revelations were given by G-d, or he may have completely turned away from G-d in search for the same thing that caused the original fall- infinite knowledge. This, is a bit harder to find a straight answer.

Be sure to keep a critical mind, and allow for honest research to lead you, rather than, ones OWN perception (like the response below). In today's world, in can take some time of sifting through misinformation/ opinions, and out right lies, in order to find &/ or piece together the full truth. Be accepting of new information, look for disproving & supporting info, and always remain critical. And most of all, leave ones ego at the door. Our ego/ pride can prevent truth from coming to us more than anything else.


ANSWER:Nostradamus did not behave as if he believed in God as a real entity as described in the Bible. If he did believe, he did not believe sufficiently to heed God's words. Neither did he communicate with God since all of his prophecies failed wheras ones from God were fulfilled. Also, Nostradamus used divinition and other occultish practises forbidden in the Bible. Neither did he reveal the name of his deity.
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No. The Rapture was not predicted until 1830, when John Nelson Darby, the nineteenth-century founder of the Plymouth Brethren invented the Rapture theology. Although few people belong to the Plymouth Brethren Church, many Christians believe in its founder's most enduring theological creation, the Rapture. .

Barbara R. Rossing (The Rapture Exposed) says that according to one critic, the Rapture has its origins with a young girl's vision. In 1830, in Port Glasgow, Scotland, fifteen-year-old Margaret MacDonald attended a healing service. There, she was said to have seen a vision of a two-stage return of Jesus Christ. The story of her vision was adopted and amplified by Darby.


The belief that Jesus will come again was not new, and Christians have always taught that Jesus will return to earth and that believers should live in anticipation of his second coming. Darby's new teaching was that Christ would return twice, first in secret to "Rapture" his church out of the world and up to heaven, then a second time after seven years of global tribulation for non-believers, to establish a Jerusalem-based kingdom on earth.
It is one thing to predict the Rapture, it is an entirely different thing to demonstrate that it will ever happen. John Nelson Darby has sunk into obscurity, apart from his followers in the Plymouth Brethren, and so should his predictions.

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