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because, he thinks that obama did yo mama. the simple sperm seed can go into the uteris.

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Q: Did Patrick Henry support a strong government?
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Did Patrick Henry support the Virginia plan?

Patrik Henry Did support the Virginia plan ,however he was very afraid of a strong central government and thought that it would just develop into a monarchy.

Who was against the idea of a strong national government because he smelled a rat?

Patrick Henry

Who did not support ratification of the constitution?

Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee were both Virginians who did NOT support the Ratification of the Constitution.

What did Patrick Henry say the end of civil government is?

Patrick Henry says that the end (purpose) of civil government should be liberty.

Why werent Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry at the constitution meeting?

Patrick Henry was simply opposed to having such strong central government, along with Benjamin Franklen. Thomas Paine was simply not at the Colonies durring that time, I believe he was in England.

Why did important leaders like Samuel Adams John Hancock and Patrick Henry not attend the constitutional convention?

The important leaders Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry did not attend the convection because, they feared that the strong national government would endanger the rights of the states

Why did Patrick Henry support keeping the Articles of Confederation government and oppose the new Constitution?

He didn't that much power given to the central government and the articles of conferderation gave few powers to the central government.

What was Patrick Henry's contribute to the US?

It was as an Government, and a political leader.

Who said there will be no checks no real balances in this government?

Patrick Henry

Why does Patrick Henry think the colonists were strong?

Diverse Geography

Why does Patrick Henry oppose ratification?

Patrick Henry opposed ratification because he felt it gave the federal government too much power. Patrick Henry also felt the Constitution did not protect individual rights.

What did Patrick herny do after the U.S Constitution was it accepted as the law of the land?

Patrick Henry opposed the adoption of the Constitution because he did not support a strong central federal government. He saw this type of government as a way back to a monarchy. He believed that the Constitution would deprive individuals and states of their rights. While he never supported the Constitution he was instrumental in ensuring that the Bill of Rights was included in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, thereby restricting the powers of the federal government.