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Patrick Henry opposed ratification because he felt it gave the federal government too much power. Patrick Henry also felt the Constitution did not protect individual rights.

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Q: Why does Patrick Henry oppose ratification?
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Who did not support ratification of the constitution?

Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee were both Virginians who did NOT support the Ratification of the Constitution.

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Patrick Henry didn't like the ratification and was against it, James Madison, instead, applied it.

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On what grounds did Patrick Henry not oppose the new constitution?

the states had too many rights

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There were several Virginians who did not support the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Some of these men included: George Mason, Patrick Henry, and James Monroe.

Was James Madison's defense of the constitution a rebuttal to Patrick Henry?

Yes, he made many speeches supporting the ratification of the Constitution, but the given in rebuttal to Patrick Henry was made on June 6, 1788.

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because they wanted their people to direct it

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anti federalist

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Why did Madison oppose ratification of constitution?

James Madison did not oppose the ratification of the constitution. In fact he encouraged it by helping to write the Federalist papers with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.