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Q: Did Phoenicians create the basis for western democracy?
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What ancient civilization established the Basis western democracy?


Which ancient civilization established the basis of Western democracy?

The Greeks.

How did Phoenicians contribute to western culture?

Their alphabet became the basis of Greek, Roman and hence today's alphabets.

What is the contribution of the Phoenicians?

The lasting one was developing a system of alphabetic writing which was adapted by the Greeks and Romans and forme the basis of todays Western alphabets.

What were the Phoenicians inventions?

An alphabet which is the basis of modern alphabets.

Is the basis of your democracy in America the constitution?

Yes, the constutition of the united states is the basis for our democracy.

How do the Phoenicians affect us today?

They provided the basis of our alphabet.

Phoenicians greatest contribution?

Their alphabet became the basis of modern writing.

What did Phoenicians write in?

The Phoenician alphabet, the basis of modern European writing.

What is an ancient invention of the Phoenicians?

An alphabet which became the basis for later alphabets.

What did Saint Benedict create?

He created his Rule which was used as a basis for monasteries. Benedict is considered the Father of Western Monasticism.

How did the Phoenicians influence your own civilization?

They invented an alphabet which is the basis from which ours developed.