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No. He said "The British are Coming!"

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Q: Did Poul revere say the red coats are coming?
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The red coats are coming?

Paul Revere (sorry don't know how to spell his last name)

What was revere trying to do on his ride?

Paul Reveres ride was to warn Concord that the red coats are coming.

What were the names of the British troops in the Boston Massacre?

The Red Coats (are coming!) The Red Coats (are coming!) The Red Coats (ate coming!)

Was Paul Revere a soldier?

in a way, paul revere was the one that rode through town saying "the red coats are coming, the red coats are coming" before he was caught and put in prison, soon after dawes, (i don't remember his first name) took his place.

How did Paul Revere spread the word of the Boston Massacre?

Paul Revere actually said, "The Red Coats are coming! The Red Coats are coming!"

Paul revere is best known for his midnight ride which he ........?

He rode a horse to go tell some Americans that the red coats or lobsters whatever are coming so theres your answer hope your happy

In the midnight ride of Paul Revere What happened before Paul Revere told his friends good night?

he wanted to find the red coats

What did Paul Revere achieve?

Revere is a legendary Boston"Son of Liberty" patriot. In April of 1775, he warned Lexington and Concord that the British Red coats were coming. He is the subject of Longfellow's famous poem, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. The poem does not mention William Dawes and Samuel Prescott who did much of the riding and warning after Revere was captured by a British patrol.

Was Paul Revere a president?

Yes, Paul revere called the red coats are coming. For his bravery he got ellected the president of the articles of confederation signing and he was so good he got ellected the 13th president of the united states of america

Did revere achieve what he set out to do?

actually revere got captured by the Red Coats... i believe it was Ben Franklin who was with his and some how escaped and informed the American Militia (unorginized army)

Why did Paul Revere take all of the credit?

He didn't at first,but it did sound like it.He warned the colonists "The Brtish"(or red coats)"are coming,".When he said that he wanted everybody to light their lanterns,'one by land,two by sea"like the redcoats were coming by land or sea.

What are some interesting facts about Paul?

Well, back in the days they didn't have TVS, news papers, or cell phones, so instead of all the things we have now, they had a person called a runner, a runner is a person who goes out on his horse and worn people that the Red Coats / British are coming. To make his job perfection, he had a friend who went up in the light house and if the light was to the right that means that the red coats / British are coming on Ocean, and if its on the left it means there coming by land. If Paul Revere's friend wasn't helping him then his job wouldn't be successful. Paul Revere of course had to go out on a horse and yell,THE BRITISH ARE COMING!THE BRITISH ARE COMING BY _____!So thats some of the facts about him.