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No. Native Americans were NOT involved in the Boston Tea Party. This is another misunderstood event in American history and the actual story is misleading. Consider the business about taxes. It is said that the colonist feared the effect of British taxes on the economy, but in reality the Tea Act reduced the duty on tea imported to the colonies. It was this reduction that caused the problem. Historians report that the cut in duty made British tea suddenly competitive with tea smuggled into the colonies from Holland by American merchants like John Hancock. It was this, the prospect of cheap British tea, not higher taxes that is the reason from the Boston Tea Party. Three- fourths of the tea coming into America was smuggled in, by American smugglers. The smugglers thought it unfair that their economic fortunes should be determined by a government thousands of miles away whose chief interest was protecting some body's else's business.

Another interesting fact is that not all patriots were behind the Tea Party. Washington worried it would lead to British retaliation and Franklin suggested the colonist ought to pay back the East India Company for the tea.

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Q: Did Samuel Adams cue native Americans to start Boston Tea Party?
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