

Did Washington fight in the army?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Did Washington fight in the army?
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What did Washington action at the battle of Trenton show about his character and leadership?

That he was willing to fight for his army? i dont know?

What did Washington's actions the battle of Trenton show about his character and leadership?

That he was willing to fight for his army? i dont know?

What were the battles George Washington fight in?

Washington never picked up a gun and "fought" since he was commander of the entire army. He told his officers the battle plan and had them carry it out.

How many wars did George Washington fight?

George Washington was in two wars. The French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. He was only a field grade officer during the French and Indian War. He tried to become an officer in the British Army. However, he got denied. Then when America started to pull away from Britian, George Washington declared his alligence to America and its cause. The people declared him the commanding general of the Continental Army. He then went on to fight and lead the army in the Revolutionary War.

Why did George Washington have a hard time building the Continental Army?

Most people didnt want to fight the british in the revolution, the colonies were too poor to maintain a good army

Who were members of the continental army?

George Washington was a member of the continental army

Washington based army?

The Washington based army was Pomonac

How Was George Washington A Patriot?

George Washington became a patriot after he join the Virginia military during the French and Indian War, and he became A leader of the army. He was chosen to be the Commander of the Continental Army when the thirteen colonies decided to fight the British. In 1789 George Washington became a President of the United States of America(a wonderful patriot).

Why did George Washington want to join the British Royal Navy?

George Washington was NEVER a member of the British Royal Navy, but he did fight in the British Army during the French and Indian War

How did George Washington change his military?

He took farmers and made them into a fighting force able to fight the British. They were fighting the most powerful army of its time.

Did George Washington influence or contribute to the Declaration of Independence?

No -- he did not sign it and wasn't even there when it was signed. He was leading the army to fight the British :) I hope that answers your question :)

What does the army fight for?

they fight to serve our community