

Did a probe carry two astronauts to Jupiter?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No, nobody has ever been to Jupiter. The only place people have gone is the moon.

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Q: Did a probe carry two astronauts to Jupiter?
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When was a space probe sent to Jupiter?

there were two main spacecrafts the voyager 1 and the voyager 2 that flew to Jupiter and in to deep space. It was in 1979.

What probe was sent to Jupiter?

The Cassini-Huygens probe. cassini mapped and analyzed the atmosphere of Jupiter while the huygens probe was dropped deep into the atmosphere to record and take pictures of the atmospheric conditons. The two were named after famous astronomers and scientests; their last names obviously being cassini and huygens

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In the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) designed and built by Grumman. the LEM was designed to carry 2 astronauts was jetisoned into space prior to re-entry to earth´s atmosphere.

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Which two astronauts are you asking about. Supplying their names would help us answer you.

What are the two main space probes?

The two most well known ones are Voyager Probe and the Viking probe.

What are the uses for the Galileo spacecraft?

It was built to study Jupiter and it's moons in greater detail than any former missions. Along the way to Jupiter it had two close encounters with asteroids and collected data from those as well. It helped to discover a possible ocean below Europa's icy surface. In the end, the probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere to be destroyed to protect Europa from bacteria from Earth.

Were the space crafts that visited uranus manned?

No. There was only one unmanned probe, Voyager Two. You used the plural on the assumption of more than one Voyager One only visited Jupiter and Saturn. As for the manned aspect, think about it. If astronauts or cosmonauts were aboard, then you would have heard even school children talking about something that suicidal. The craft were too small and of the wrong design to support even lab rats or mice aboard -- much less humans.

What was the first planet discovered by the Voyager space probe?

Voyager did not discover any new planets. By the time Voyager was launched we already knew of all the planets in our solar system that we know of today. There were also two Voyager probes, not one. The first planet that either probe studied was Jupiter, which we had known for millennia. Voyager 1 flew by Jupiter in March 1979 while Voyager 2 flew by in July of the same year.

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Two unique things about Jupiter's rotation: Jupiter's rotation is slower near the poles. Jupiter has the fastest rotation period in our solar system

What are two unique things about the rotation of Jupiter?

Two unique things about Jupiter's rotation: Jupiter's rotation is slower near the poles. Jupiter has the fastest rotation period in our solar system.

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The first astronauts to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.