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It is not known whether the ancient Egyptians had electrical batteries, but it is known that the romans used electrical batteries on their buiilding sites. It is also known, that the ancient persians used batteries which were found by archeologists in Baghdad. To learn more visit the related link below.

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Q: Did ancient Egyptians have electric batteries?
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No, the batteries in an electric car are much different. Normal automotive batteries are lead acid batteries. Most electric cars use Lithium-Ion batteries.

Who made the first man-made batteries?

Batteries were made by Alessandro Volta. There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians used batteries made from spoiled wine to electro plate materials. These would be the oldest known batteries see what i planed was to geis that the enigizer and everyady gold and seems to me that enigizer won wit the most power and cause i tried it wit the remote and the enigizer had worked and the enigizer was googd power and had lost resoursces

Where were the ancient Egyptians based?

The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.

Did ancient Egyptians have emeralds?

Yes ancient Egyptians had jewels

What did the ancient Egyptians use batteries for?

First, it is not even certain that the ancient Egyptians even had batteries. There are just some pottery artifacts that contain metal cylinders and show residue of once containing a liquid. It is entirely possible that these simply may have been wine or beer vessels of an unusual type.However among those most confident that these are batteries, the most common suggestion was that they were used for electroplating of gold. But evidence is weak for this as nothing that would be needed to actually do the electroplating has been found, only these alleged "batteries".

Most ancient Egyptians were?

most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers

Did ancient egyptians ever use electric lights?

Although Ancient civilizations, like the Sumerians, were able to map our solar system with unbelievable precision, no evidence has been found to support the idea that any ancient civilization, including the Egyptians, used electricity on a large scale, if at all.

Do motors have batteries?

No, electric motors do not have batteries.Most electric motors are powered from the AC power grid.Power tools and other portable devices using electric motors have batteries, but the electric motors in the tools and devices do not themselves have batteries.

What did the ancient Egyptians do in the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids for pharaohs in the afterlife.

What type of harp did the ancient egyptians use?

ancient Egyptians used lyre

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the ancient egyptians wrapped cats

What did poor ancient Egyptians drink?

Poor ancient Egyptians drank beer.