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Q: Did any satellites or robots explored Venus?
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Have any robots or satellites explored venus close?

i guess the robots from in space they thought 'oh lets try to look at another planet' so they did. thats just my guess < __ >

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What year did any robots or satellites explored Venus?

Venera 15 and 16 orbited the planet in 1983 Magellan in 1990 mapped 98% of the surface Venus Express is still sending data back to earth.

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Has any robots ever explored the planet Venus?

Yes, quite a few robotic probes have been sent to Venus by the United States and the Soviet Union.

What are the List of the names of any satellites or robots that have explored Neptune up close?

Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have gone near Neptune.

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have any robots or satellites ever landed on pluto

Has Mars ever had any Satellites or Robots?

Yes!It is true that Mars has Satellites and Robots!WOW!

How many satellites dose Venus have?

Venus is one of the few planets that doesn't have any satellites orbiting around it. Venus also is a planet with no moons.

Who many natural satellites does Venus have?

Venus does not have any natural satellites.

Does neptune have any robots or satellites?

No it doesn't.

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no there hasnt been any robots or anything