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yes they had fallen off the top floor and landed hard on the ground.

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Q: Did anyone die building the twin towers?
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How many people die in the twin tower?

2,977 were lost in the collapse of the Twin Towers.

How many people die in the twin tower incident?

2,977 were lost in the collapse of the Twin Towers.

Did the people in thee plane crashing into the twin towers die?


How did the people in the Twin Towers die?

Only 6000 peoples but there where a couple of people who were hanging on the towers but few died when they fell of the towers

How many kids die in the twin towers?

How many kids died in the twin towers. none died. If you think some died you are wrong.

How do you know 8 kids died in the twin towers?

8 kids did die on 9/11, but none were in the twin towers, they were all passengers on the planes that were hijacked. See related link (below) for more information.

Did Whitney Houston die in the twin towers plane crash?

no she died in a hotel. Because of drug overdose i think

Why did bin laden die?

BIn laden got assassinated because he was the master mind of the twin towers attacks.

Did anyone die building the Acropolis of Athens?

Most likely

Did any children die in the twin towers?

Three children died in the twin towers attack. They were all passengers on United Airlines Flight 175 which crashed into the south tower. Five other children died in the Pentagon attack that day. They were all on American Airlines Flight 77 which crashed into it.