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Q: Did black kids goto school in the 18-1900s?
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What percent of kids went to school in the 1800?

The rich white kids went to school. The poor white children could not afford to go to school. Black folks went to separate school for lesser black people in the community.

What was school like during the 1930s?

Schools in the 1930's was terrible they would separate the black kids from the white kids and the black kids didnt get very good eduacation because they could only stay in school for about 5-6 months.......

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Blacks had to go to black schools

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No children do not have school on black Friday because black Friday is during Thanksgiving break for most children

What is ruby bridges legacy?

because of her black adn whites are aloud to go to schol together

Should 3 black kids be in a school with many white kids?

Ok first of all why are people being racist? like omg now asians,latinos and ''black'' kids are together in school an that's good so other kids with diffrent culture can learn about another culture! Like build a bridge and get over it stop racism!!!! lUcY wAz HeRe:p

Is the song black widow appropriate for school?

It depends what grade the kids are in if it is in middle school it is appropriate if it is in elementary school then no it is not appropriate the songs that I would suggest is Brave , Dark Horse.

How many kids get bullied because of their weight?

50/ KIDS ARE getting bullied because there colour mostly black kids. Actually I never saw 1 black kid get picked on in high school but I did see many white kids get picked on by the black kids. Whites don't care about race anymore. The only ones that seem to be hung up on race are blacks. It is now reversed.

Is it a crime if a person is playing music on the top of his roof loud enough for kids in the school across the road to hear it?

yes there are several charges he can get from the police ,disordley house and noise pollution,distrubing the piece, just for a few i would ask him to turn it down it he don't i would goto to the police and sign a complaint and ask them to goto his resdince and ask him to turn it down.