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I swear it was God who create the giraffes with long necks.

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Q: Did god create giraffe with long necks or did time cause their neck to grow long?
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How long is a full grown giraffe's neck?

a giraffes neck can grow to be 5 to 6 feet long

Do a giraffe neck grow?

No, they're born with full-sized necks, just like human babies are born with full-sized eyeballs which never grow. They're both body parts that are far too complex to grow in the outside world, and both so necessary to survival that they have to start with them fully formed.

What would a giraffe eat if the type of leaves they eat didn't grow anymore?

If the mimosa and acacia trees go "extinct" or arn't around anymore the giraffe(mammal) will die due to starvation. It can not bend their necks down to reach grass and their digestive system can not with hold some types of grass. It might eat diffrent shrubs, but it varies on the type of giraffe. Hope I helped.

How long is a giraffe's tong?

a giraffe's tongue can grow up to 3ft long

How did giraffes end up with a long neck?

Through evolution. The whole theory of evolution was first based on the giraffe's neck. Darwin say the giraffe, and asked himself the same you just asked me. He realized that all of the food that the giraffe ate came from high up in the trees. So from that observation, he inferred that the giraffes needed long necks to survive. I repeat: They NEED long necks to survive. That is the whole theory of evolution. Let us pretend it is a long time ago, and at this time giraffes have short necks. This is a problem, as the food on the ground is running out and they need a way to reach the food in the trees to survive. Out of the whole herd of giraffe, though, two of them (lets call them Gina and Patrick) were somehow born with slightly longer necks. As Gina and Patrick were the only ones in the herd who could reach the food, the rest of the giraffes died and they survived. They mated, and Gina gave birth to Donna, Hugh, and Theodore. Once Donna, Hugh, and Theodore grow up, their parents die. Hugh and Patrick and Donna all have inherited their parents genes for long necks, so they are as tall as them--except Hugh, because he is taller. Donna and Theodore can reach their food, but as the best and ripest food is at the very top of the tree, only Hugh can reach that. So Hugh grows big and strong, AND he has an EXTRA tall neck, so the females are attracted to him. So HE is the one who gets a mate,and passes on his tall-neck genes onto his children. Get it? --Answerguy555Giraffes got their long necks by natural selection. Because their food was high in the trees, natural selection lengthened the neck of the giraffe. A giraffe's long neck contains only seven vertebrae, like a human's neck. Giraffes not only use their necks to stretch high into the trees, they also use them to graze on the ground. Males often use their necks to fight one another during the mating season when there's a female to defend. No wonder why giraffes have long necks.a giraffe has to have a long neck because of what it eats. it eats leaves! the leaves are on the tree so it needs a long neck to get the leaves because it can not climb the tree.

How much can a baby giraffe grow in a day?

ur dad

Can a man evolve if he so wants it - let's say that in order to survive he would have to grab a fruit from a tree he can't climb or throw something to bring it down - can he grow long legs or arms?

Haha, you should look up Lamarck's giraffe theory. To answer your question, no, species don't magically "evolve" to their needs. The widely accepted view of evolution by the scientific community these days is actually called Evolution by Natural Selection (ENS). It means that species evolve over time (generations) because for example, giraffe's long necks in the case of grabbing a fruit from a tree, because mutations in genes cause different giraffes to have different length necks, but all the giraffes that can't grab the fruit will die out (natural selection), leaving only the giraffes with long necks, and these giraffes will pass the long neck gene to their offspring, and their offspring, etc. Hope this helps.

Is giraffes the tallest mammals?

yes of course they are thanks to their long necks

Can omnicef cause thrush on the tongue?

Not directly, but taking any antibiotic can create the conditions for fungi to grow.

Does a giraffe shed its tongue?

Well, technically one can say so but it is more like a spider molting. If the giraffe could not shed it's skin, it would not grow for giraffe's are invertebrates.

How is giraffes adapted to its environment?

i think their necks grow & evolved eventually because of the lack of low trees and branches

How long does it take for a baby giraffe to become an adult giraffe?

to reach full size it takes about 4 years ,Babbie giraffes are able to stand up at birth although wobbly.