

Did he really mean it when he say ' Love You'?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Probably not.....

If you have only just met the guy... No

If its in the middle of having sex ..... No

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Q: Did he really mean it when he say ' Love You'?
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If a guy say i love you does he really mean it?

if he really loves you he would not lie to you..

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I dont understand the "need you love". Did you really mean "I need YOUR love?"

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Its mean to like someone or you can say love.

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he might not really love you, he might just want to get in with you.

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That really depends on the situation and how you mean it when you say I love you , if just in a friendly way - just go for it

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It means that they mean a lot to you, and if they say it back, then the feeling is mutual.

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"Do you really love me as much as you say"

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There really isn't a specific time to say it, just do it when you mean it.

When you want to say i love you do you really mean that or just a momentary think?

you have to mean it. your tongue is not made for lies.

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The person could be shy and use laughter to you how they feel. They may actually be in love with you.

What is something really deep and mushy to say to a girl?

Just a simple "I love you". But look straight into her eyes and really mean it.

What does he mean when he says that he still got love for you?

That could mean anything really but, he might just still fancy you in someway.