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Yes, most of them did, but some slaves became slaveholders themselves.

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Q: Did most runaway slaves became rebels?
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Why is thomas Garrett famous?

he was famous for aiding runaway slaves to freedom. also he dedicated to antislavery, he is the most active and influential stationmaster, and he helped more than 2,700 runaway slaves. thank you please like!

What did runaway slaves bring on the underground railroad?

Most slaves (if they were lucky) would bring an extra pair of clothes and food. Often, slaves didn't have an extra pair of clothes they brought food.

What describes the position of the most northerners towards slavery?

Some states passed personal liberty laws for runaway slaves.

How did Harriet Tubman become involved with the underground railroad?

(I THINK) she was an abolitionist,who felt bad for the slaves and wanted to help runaway slaves become free.Which is how she became a "conductor". She often held slaves who wanted to turn back due to fear of being caught,at gunpoint until they agreed to keep moving.She was the most important "conductor" during the war.

What was the main reason for slaves to runaway?

slaves were beeten and overworked and had the most terrible life. they ran away to be free and to belong to themselves instead of being property of someone else.

Why did most workers on the Underground Railroad operate in secrecy?

It was because during that time it was illegal in the southern states to help runaway slaves.

What statement best describes the position of most Northerners toward slavery?

Some states passed personal liberty laws for runaway slaves.

The most outrageous component of the Compromise of 1850 was the?

fugitive slave act, which said that all US citizens must help with the capturing of runaway slaves.

Why did Texas become a slave state?

Because after the mexican war, they took over and then they made african americans slaves until they faught for their rights and until most of them became runaway slaves with the underground railroad. Then Texas became a slave state. Texas is 36o30 south of the Missouri compromise line.

Where did spartacus carry out his deeds?

Spartacus brought about an uprising of slaves in the Roman Empire. Most of that activity was centered around the city of Rome. He was crucified there among his fellow rebels.

Why was the fugitive slave act unpopular in the south?

The fugitive slave act was written into law to round up runaway slaves that went up north where slavery was illegal. This act gave southerns the ability to demand their slaves back with help from the Federal government. it also made it illegal for "free people" to aide in the escape and quartering of runaway slaves.(I say free, not white because there were many free African Americans that helped runaway slaves, most notable Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglass) The fugitive slave act was actually quite popular in the south, especially with the plantation owners.

Who became gladitors?

Most gladiators were slaves. There were a few free men who volunteered to become gladiators