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Q: Did obama finance education with student loans?
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When did President Obama try to get student loans as a foreigner or did he?

There is no factual basis to suggest that President Obama tried to obtain student loans as a foreigner. President Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States and attended college in the country.

What did Obama say about student loans?

Obama has been very concerned with student loans recently because of the upcoming election. He is very concerned with making it easier for graduates to pay back student loans, especially as tuition prices are increasing at an alarming rate and more and more students are required to take out loans.

How was Barack Obama's education paid for?

He has said that he received some scholarships and grants, his grandparents saved up money to help, and the rest was paid for by student loans.

How or Who paid for Barack Obama's college education?

President Obama has written and also said in interviews that his maternal grandparents were very supportive and they were the ones who contributed much of his tuition. He also too out college loans and worked part-time. Both Michelle and Barack Obama have said that it took many years to pay off the college loans they both took out.

What has Obama done for student loans?

Well, many students have borrowed student loans in order to pursue their careers and dreams. However, there is a possible chance that the loans have been reduced.

How did Obama finance his education at Columbia and Harvard?

His maternal grandparents (who raised him) saved up money to help him, plus he got loans and grants and scholarships. He has told reporters that he finally paid off the last of his college loans about six years ago.

Did Michelle and Barack Obama have student loans?

Yes they both had student loans, and according to an interview conducted in May 2012, President Obama said he and his wife did not entirely finish paying them back till about six years ago.

Who financed Barack Obama's education?

this is my question..what and who are the answers??

Did Barack Obama receive a scholarship as an undergrad?

He has said he mainly received student loans as an undergrad, but he seems to have received both grants and student loans at Harvard Law School.

How much did Obama pay for higher education?

He paid the same amount as any student: he used a combination of loans, scholarships, and money his grandparents had saved up for his education. The exact amounts would be difficult to determine, since tuition at Columbia and at Harvard have both gone up considerably since he was a student.

How much did Barack Obama and Michelle borrow in student loans?

Is there any public record of this? Have the Obama's sealed this information? Then if so I say they borrowed nothing.

What types of students should get Obama student loans?

This seems to be a question of opinion rather than fact. Everyone deserves an education but to receive money there has to be criteria to be met. A student should continuously show intention to excel in academic studies to justify monetary help.