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There are certainly some people who changed their attitudes about race or racism, following the Holocaust. However, racism definitely continues to exist in our world today. People still like to give their allegiance to their own ethnic group, and to be hostile toward people of other ethnic groups. Most people do not really appreciate the fact that we are all members of the same species, H. sapiens. But some people do appreciate this fact. We still have a long way to go.

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Q: Did people stop being racist after the holocaust?
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How can people stop being racist and are you born racist?

People decide if they won't to stop being racist. Now, if it's uncontrollable, then that person needs to see a mental doctor. Either that. or that's how they were raised; to be racist. And if your asking me if I'm racist... no! You shouldn't ask questions like that to the world. Your not just asking me, your asking everybody. And your not going to get a solid answer, because some people are racist. So that was a stpuid question. Am I racist, wow. Stop wasting time.

How can you prevent another Holocaust in the future?

we can prevent another holocaust by not getting into hatred, not discriminating or being racist. If the Nazis realized everyone was equeal there wouldn't have been a first holocaust. And if we learn at an early age about how Hitler and the Nazi regime hated on Jews, maybe it will teach kids a lesson on how not to descriminate, be racist, or anything like that.

What best explains the influence on the holocaust on postmodern thought?

it basically disagrees with postmodernism; one can basically not apply postmodernism to the Holocaust (or one would have to conclude that the Holocaust did not exist). But this is exceptional and does not stop postmodernism being the more popular method. The Holocaust made people question the idea of progress that was part of Modernism. -apex

Is Shelby a racist city?

NO, Shelby is not a racist city.Shelby, Montana is a station stop for the Amtrak Empire Builder in Shelby, Montana.

Why did the holocaust die in the holocaust?

They died because of the concentration camps that Hitler and his Nazi group put them in.

Related questions

When did people stoped being racist?

They never did, some people are still racist we don't know when it will stop

Can you stop people from being racist by threatning them?

No, aggression is not a cure for hatefulness.

How can people stop being racist and are you born racist?

People decide if they won't to stop being racist. Now, if it's uncontrollable, then that person needs to see a mental doctor. Either that. or that's how they were raised; to be racist. And if your asking me if I'm racist... no! You shouldn't ask questions like that to the world. Your not just asking me, your asking everybody. And your not going to get a solid answer, because some people are racist. So that was a stpuid question. Am I racist, wow. Stop wasting time.

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stop being racist

How do you get people to stop lumping transsexual people in with transgender people?

You might not be able to. You could tell people the difference but its not gonna stop them from saying what they think. In a similar fashion, you could give Black people freedom, but it isn't gonna stop some people from being racist or saying racist things.

The race relations act will stop people from being racist do you agree?

No, unfortunately nothing will ever stop racism, this will help some people though.

How can you stop being racist?

brain transplant

Do people stop being racist?

this is more like a comment but anyways, you can join clubs to stop rasium and more.- Rachelle and Ashleyn

When will Mississippi get with the times and stop being racist?

Mississippi is not racist. Some of its people are. Perhaps more than usual, but that does not make Mississippi racist any more than, say, a city with 60% Hispanic people Hispanic. As far as "when will racist people stop being racist?", that may take a long time. Eventually they might come around to the truth, but there have always been, and always will be, people that think they are better than other people, sometimes only based on a distorted comparison such as skin color.

What black was the anchor of CBS evening News for five years?

Stop being so racist. If you want to know stop being so racist.

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stop being racist

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Desmond Tutu tried to stop people from being racist and to re-unite white people and black people.