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Yes, in Semptemmber 1620 about 100 pilgrims crowded into a small ship called the Mayflower. A storm battered the Mayflower on its long journey accross the Atlantic Ocean. the ship was pushed off course. Instead of arriving in Virginia thay landed much farther up north at Cape Cod. The pilgrims decieded to settle in New England.

They chose a rocky harbor the english called Plymouth.

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Q: Did pilgrims go to Plymouth because of storms?
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Why did the pilgrims go to Plymouth?

The pilgrims went to Plymouth because they didn't want to be indentured servants.

Why did pilgrims to go to Plymouth?

The pilgrims went to Plymouth because they didn't want to be indentured servants.

Where were the pilgrims headed?

The Pilgrims were headed to Virginia, but storms and obstacles made them go to Massachusetts.

Why did the Plymouth pilgrims go to the Americas?

The Plymouth Pilgrims went to the Americas because where they came from ,all had to believe in a certain religion.The Pilgrims did not believe or want to believe in this certain religion.This is why the Pilgrims moved,so that they could believe in they're own religions

How far was it for the Pilgrims to go from Southampton England to Plymouth Massachusetts?

it took about 50 years

What course was open to the pilgrims when they found themselves on cape cod instead of in Virginia?

Continuing the course that the Pilgrims had left, they continued to go towards Cape Cod, then into Plymouth. It was the only course that they had, like I said, so basically that's the only course.

What difficulties did the pilgrims have to go through at Plymouth?

They couldn't find shelter,food or fighting the elements (weather)

Why did the Pilgrims go to Massachusetts instead of to Virginia?

They meant to go to Virginia but there was a storm that made them go off course and made them go to Massachusetts. The ship was low on provisions and they were out of beer, so the Captain landed them at what is now Plymouth.

Why didn't the pilgrims land in Virginia?

Pilgrims wanted to go to Virginia to begin a new life in a new place. They envisioned a life with more freedom and land they could own for themselves and their families.

What is an interesting fact about Plymouth?

Plymouth was where the Pilgrims first landed in the Americas from Holland. People in Plymouth were Puritans and had to go to church every Sunday. They were very strict about religion. If you disagreed with a Puritan teaching you were thrown out of the colony.

Why did the pilgrims and come to the Americas?

Because the pilgrims where in wore and the needed some where to go

Why didn't the pilgrims stay in cape cod where did they finally settle?

They didn't stay in Cape Cod because the waters were too shallow for ships to come and go. They settled in Plymouth, which is in present day Massachusetts.