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yes it did she studied it for years and had good planing intill she died from oravion cancer from age 37

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Q: Did rosalind franklin's work with the polio virus help cure it?
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Can you cure poliomyelitis?

There is no cure for polio, but polio prevention is available through a vaccine. Polio vaccine in the United States is given as an inactivated polio vaccine. Approximately 90 percent or more of polio vaccine recipients develop protective antibodies to all three polio virus types after two doses, and at least 99 percent are immune following three doses. With the continued success of polio vaccination programs, a cure for polio may be possible within the next decade.

When did Jonas Stalk cure polio?

Jonas Salk never cured polio. The killed virus vaccine that he developed was able to keep people from getting the disease, but it did nothing for those who already had polio.

What was the drug responsible for the cure of polio?

Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine. This does not cure polio but it does prevent it. Polio remains incurable.

Is there a cure for polio?

Currently there is no treatment that can cure polio. There are immunizations present and also some treatment methods to provide relief while the body fights against the polio virus. This is called supportive care. Supportive care can include fluids, medications, and lots of rest.

Did animals find the cure to polio?

Ok, first yes the cure was tested on animals but no animals did not find the cure to polio.

What did Jonas Salk do that was so great?

Salk found the cure to Poliovirus. Before he found the cure millions of children and adults were stricken with polio. The virus paralyzed people and eventually killed them when it affected the lungs.

Why was polio cure good for the people?

because not only was it a cure for polio, but the hot springs were a great place to relax and wind down

What was Elizabeth Kenny's science discovery?

A cure for polio

How deadly is polio?

Polio can be lethal, yes, if untreated and there is no medical support. It was primarily active prior to the 1960s. Although it is rare in the U.S. now, children sometimes still get it; it is considered a childhood disease, although disability may be permanent throughout life. If the virus (polio) penetrates your nervous system, and it affects your nerves that control breathing, then the person may die. Many people have survived polio and lived through adulthood, but with impairments. Polio especially affects the lungs and legs. US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was afflicted with childhood polio, and was confined to a wheelchair during his presidency.

In 1535 how was polio cured?

There is still no cure for polio, a disease that has been known since ancient times. Polio did not become epidemic until the late 19th century, when improvements in community sanitation prevented widespread development of immunity to the virus in early childhood. In 1535, there was no treatment for the condition. People either lived with their crippled condition, or died.

Why should parents give polio drops to their childrens?

All parents should have their children vaccinated for polio. Polio is a devastating disease, and there is no cure, but with the vaccination, it can be prevented.

When did Jonas Salk make a cure for Polio?

April 12,1955