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How did the Germans suffer during the Holocaust? The Jews suffered, at the hands of the Germans!


I wonder if the person who asked this question is confusing the Holocaust with World War 2.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Although the true figure may never be known, here are estimates: * 11 million people died. * 6 million of these were Jewish (close to two thirds of Europe's Jewish population). * Up to 250,000 were Roma/Sinti (Gypsies). * 1.5 million were children. In addition, Hitler targeted homosexuals, communists and other political dissidents, , slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, dissidents, some Protestant pastors and Catholic priests, black people, the mentally and physically disabled, and others. The figures include the camps as well as the mass graves in the countryside, killings on the street, organized mass shootings (such as Babi Yar, etc.) and basically, any person singled out for their religion, political beliefs, or their sexual orientation.

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9y ago

There were 9.5 million Jews in Europe in 1939 (just prior to the Holocaust). Almost all of them suffered from the Holocaust in some way or another. 6 million perished. Around another 1-2 million suffered in concentration camps, work camps, and ghettos, but survived either because of Allied Liberation, escaping, or Righteous Germans like Schindler. The remainder were those whose lives were upended, but were able to escape from their hometowns or hide therein. This irrevocable disturbance to their lives is certainly a form of suffering.

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14y ago

The Nazi's wanted to "relocate"Jews to concentration camps where they suffer from all sort of punishments.

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11y ago

The implied comparison is misleading. The aim of the Holocaust was mass murder. That was not the aim of slavery.

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