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Q: Did the Aztecs use cocoa beans as money?
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What did Aztecs use as money?

Aztecs used cocoa beans as money regularly

What did the Aztecs use for money?

The Aztecs used cocoa beans as their form of money to trade for goods.

Did the Aztecs ever use cocoa beans as money?


What type of beans did the Aztecs use for money?

Other than cocoa beans for a drink, the Aztecs have also used cocoa beans as a currency to purchase goods such as a rabbit or an enslaved human. Hope this helps!

How were cocoa beans used by the Aztecs?

the Aztecs used to eat cocoa beans before war to gain strength. they also used it instead of money.

How did the Aztecs use gold in their society?

The Aztecs used gold as a currency, along with cocoa beans. The chocolate that was made from the cocoa beans was as valuable to them as gold was to the Spaniards. They also used gold for jewellery.

What money did the Aztecs use?

coco beans

What did Mayans sometimes use as a form of money?

Cacao Beans. Not to be confused with cocoa beans.

What did the Aztecs use the cacao beans for?

who introduced the cacao beans to the Aztecs

Did the incas use cocoa beans as money?

Yes, the Incas used cocoa beans as a form of currency. They were highly prized and used for trade and as a means of exchange in the Inca empire. Cocoa beans were considered a valuable commodity due to their use in making chocolate and their scarcity in certain regions.

What did the Aztecs use coco beans for?

The Aztec's used the cacao beans for money. With that, they would trade with the merchants for other goods.

Did Aztecs think chocolate was important?

yes, because it was made from coco beans and they believed coco beans were god food. Chocolate was also important to Aztecs because you were able to use it as money or for trades.