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who introduced the cacao beans to the Aztecs

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Q: What did the Aztecs use the cacao beans for?
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What did the Aztecs use coco beans for?

The Aztec's used the cacao beans for money. With that, they would trade with the merchants for other goods.

How were cocoa beans used by the Aztecs?

the Aztecs used to eat cocoa beans before war to gain strength. they also used it instead of money.

Did Aztec make chocolate?

They cut down the tree of cacao. The cacao is beans that have chocolate inside it. That's how the Aztecs made chocolate.

How did tenochtitlan's trade with cacao beans?

they traded with cacao beans because they needed money to trade with so they decided to use cacao beans as there money they needed something to trade with so they used cacao beans they also used cacao beans to make chocolate they ate cacao beans to.

If Jack of Beanstalk fame were an Aztec he'd have been happy to get what beans since the Aztecs used them for money?

Cacao Beans

How did the Aztecs use chocholate?

the took stuff and put other stuff into in and yay they had chocolate and then they ate it and then they were amazingly fat on chocolate but i don't know if they smoked it but I think they might of

Was there any type of money other than cocoa beans the Aztecs used?

The Aztecs used cacao beans (which they had to trade with the Mayans to get because the cacao tree could not grow in the area in which they lived). The Aztecs also used "hoe" money that was made from copper. It had a fixed weight and was in the shape of an axe head or a knife-like shape. The Spaniards called it tajaderos. Each piece of hoe money was worth 8,000 cacao seeds.

Why ia that Hawaii is the only state that have cacao beans?

Hawaii is the only state that has cacao beans because the land where they grew in Florida was too valuable to use for cacao beans. Other crops were more profitable and the land could be put to better use.

What food did the Aztecs make popular with the europeans?

Maize (corn), tomatoes, chillies, chocolate (cacao beans), sweet potato and avocado, are some of the foods introduced to Europeans by the Aztecs.

What did Mayans sometimes use as a form of money?

Cacao Beans. Not to be confused with cocoa beans.

How did the Aztecs prepare chocolate for eating?

They crushed up scorched cacao beans, ground the crushings finely, and mixed with a little binder like fat.

How did the Aztecs trade with other cultures?

The Aztecs didn't trade with other cultures because they always were in war with the other tribes, but their coin was the cacao beans. That was their most valuable resource inside their Empire.