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It seems that within just a few decades of the time attributed to the crucifixion of Jesus, Christianity had developed into two separate branches, the proto-Catholic-Orthodox branch from which current Christian Churches are derived, and the Gnostic Christians. Some scholars believe that by the second century, the two branches were of about equal size.

The Gnostic Christians generally tolerated a very loose organisation and saw no need for bishops, or overseers. On the other hand, the Catholic-Orthodox Church developed a quite structured hierarchy and by the early years of the second century, bishops had charge of all the churches within a city or defined area.

Emperor Constantine saw that the Catholic-Orthodox Church, with its hierarchy and strict discipline of its members, would be of advantage to the Roman Empire and help him provide the same discipline among his subjects. The more liberal Gnostics were of no interest to him and were persecuted and excluded from the state patronage that he provided to the Christian Church.

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