

Best Answer

no , i don't think so

AnswerLet's look at the evidence:

Suppose they did. It is recorded not only in the Gospels but in many secular historical accounts that Jesus rose again after death and no body was in the tomb. Did he rise again? or was the body stolen by the disciples?. It is also recorded that many of the disciples were persecuted and eventually executed in a horrific way because they claimed that Jesus had risen - for example, Peter was crucified in Rome - upside down.

Do you really think that the disciples stole the body, then claimed that Jesus had risen, only to die for something that they knew to be a lie? It just doesn't make sense. Nor does it make sense that the largest religion that the world has ever seen should be based on a crime. It would have petered out long before now. Nor does a stolen body square with the fact that literally hundreds of people (500 at one time in one case) actually saw the risen Christ. For almost all of these it became a life-changing experience. Many went on to proclaim the message in Africa, India, and the rest of Europe - often with disastrous results - resulting in their deaths. These are hardly the actions of people sho are protecting a lie. For the disciples to act in this way, they must have been absolutely, utterly and 100% convinced that Jesus had come back. For one persecutor of Christians - the Jewish Pharisee and lawyer Paul - it became so life-changing seeing the glorified risen Christ that he not only stopped persecuting Christians, and earned the wrath of his fellow Jewish authorities but became the greatest Christian missionary the world has ever seen. A great deal of the New Testament consists of his letters sent to the churches in the known world which he founded.

Nor does it make sense that the Jewish authorities or the Romans stole the body - for all they needed to have done to quosh the disciples claim that Jesus had risen would be to produce the body. They didn't - simply because they didn't have it.

A very thorough analysis of what happened on that first Easter Day can be read in Frank Morrison's book 'Who moved the Stone?' where he originally set out to disprove the resurrection once and for all. However, having examined the evidence he changed his tack - he realised that the resurrection actually did happen - and became converted as a Christian as a result.

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