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Yes, because Bowling was their favorite sport; and ice skating and sledding where activities from their homeland, the Netherlands.

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Q: Did the Dutch enjoyed bowling ice skating and sledding?
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Related questions

Why did the Dutch invent bowling?

The Dutch didn't invent bowling; evidence of the game has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back 5,000 years. However, the Dutch, like the Germans and the English, obviously enjoyed the game enough to standardize it somewhat and begin to codify its rules.

What group of settlers brought bowling to America?

dutch dutch dutch

What kind of skating does dutch people do?

Figure skating is done in Holland, but speed skating is what the Dutch excel at, winning a great part of the medals at every Winter Olympics.

Which settler brought bowling to America?


What is the subject and verb in the sentence Dutch settlers were responsible for bowling's introduction to North America?

Sentence: Dutch settlers were responsible for bowling's introduction to North America. Subject: settlers Adjective: Dutch Verb were responsible

Who brought ice skating to North America?

Dutch settlers.

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What country was bowling first played?

Bowling was created by the dutch settlers in the origonal colonies in the late 1600's

What winter sport was brought to New York by dutch?

ice skating

What are two groups from other countries that can be traced to bringing the game of bowling to the New World?

The Dutch, the Germans, and the English each brought their own type of ninepin bowling to the US. Tenpin bowling is derived from ninepin bowling.

If a bowling score goes by 20's What is it commonly called?

a dutch 200

When did the sport figure skating first played?

People have been ice skating for centuries. The first account of figure skating is in 1772. The first European championship was in 1891 and the International Skating Union was founded in 1892. Figure Skating was also first created by the Dutch in the 13 or 14 Century.